Saturday 8 November 2008

Norbury's Perry

Nestling under the brow of the Malvern Hills, just North of Malvern, lies a small village - Leigh Sinton. On the outskirts, heading towards Hereford, can be found Norbury's farm, home to a fantastic perry.

A number of years ago while out selling cider, I called at Norbury's where they also produce 'BLACK BULL' cider. The name 'BLACK BULL' comes from the family name 'NORBURY' deriving from the French words noir (black) and boeuf (bull). The family crest has a black bull as the heraldic device.

While talking to Eddie, chief cider/perry maker at Norbury's he suggested I should sample some perry. Now this wasn't out of a bottle, nor out of the main vat which is used to fill cannisters with draught. No this was a sample taken from an unfiltered vat, a number of years old!

Well - the taste, dry, smooth, but with a flavour of pears that stayed on the back of my throat for ages - awesome.

I'd never experienced a taste like it before, but it certainly started my love affair with perry, especially Norbury's perry.