Friday 17 September 2010

Burrow Hill Perry

Lovely depth of
colour to the perry.
On opening top
the smell of perry
wanders from within
the bottle.
Not overly sparkling but Oh so smoooooooth.
Coats the back of the throat with the taste of pears.
Sparkling bubbles midley explode on your palate
allowing the full flavour of perry to attach itself
to your taste bubs.
Lovely smooooooth perry

Perry's Premium Vintage Cider

Labeling clear
and fresh,showing
off the dark cider
hidden inside at its

What delights await?

Fresh smell of cider,

very slightly sparkling.
Smooth and rich tasting cider that 'coats' the back
of the throat.
Full of body (this is not watered down!) the taste
of cider 'hangs' around for ages after tasting.

Premium with a capital P

Wednesday 14 April 2010


On opening bottle a
plesant apple aroma
whiffs towards your
Not overly sweet to the palate,but leaves
a sweetness on the edge of your tongue,with
a hint of apple on the back of the throat.
Slightly sparkling sensation but quaffable.
Refreshing but heavy in taste.
Make sure the tractor driver doesn't drink any!
Another quality cider from Ocle Pychard,land of Oliver

Monday 22 March 2010

Hogan's Medium Dry Cider

Hogan's cider nestling at Haselor,just a few miles East of Alcester in the county of Warwickshire.

The cider has won awards at 'The three Counties show' and 'Big Apple Cider Trials' at Putley to name just two.

Tall brown 500ml bottle which on opening eminates a scent of cider apples.

Slightly sparkling.

Strange and silly but the initially taste reminds me of cheese!
(A postive taste)
A musky dryish tasting cider,leaving a lovely taste of apple on the palate and back of the throat.

Monday 22 February 2010


Sheppy's Cider with Honey

Produced at Bradford-on-Tone just south
of Taunton.( I always leave the M5 at Junc 26
and head north up the A38. Just approx.20 miles
from Somerset Cider Brandy Company - Burrow Hill
Cider.Could vist both in a day easily)

Now for the interesting bit!!!

500ml bottle of cider,nothing special there.

Lovely smell of apples on removing the cap.
Well its smooth - lovely - dryish but smooth.
The honey doesn't really make its self known,other than in the smoothness and 'masking' of the cider's alcoholic strength.
Don't worry its not sweet,slightly sparkling.

Well worth trying.

Saturday 2 January 2010


Another fine cider from the foot hills of the Malvern Hills

Lovely goldern brown colour.

On opening the bottle there is an apple aroma that floats through your nostrils,encouraging you
to drink.
Slightly sparkling,the bubbles staying in suspension,so not overly fizzy.
On drinking its smooth with a slight hint of bitterness and dryness,with a sweetness that isn't apparent straight away.

Please note - this isn't a sweet cider ,my comment above on a sweetness scale of 1 to 10,10 being the most sweet,would registar 1 or possibly 2